1. Department of Medicine D, Beilinson Hospital of the Labour Sickfund, Petah Tikva and the Laboratory of Cytogenetics, Tel Hashomer Government Hospital, Tel Hashomer, Israel.
2. Department of Medicine D, Beilinson Hospital of the Labour Sickfund, Petals Tiqva; Instructor in Ilematologmj, Tel-Aeiv Unieersity, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
3. Department of Medicine B, Tel-Hashomer Government Hospital; Head of Laboratory of Cytogenetics, Tel-Hashomer Government Hospital, Tel-Hashomer, Israel.
4. Department of Medicine D, Beilinson Hospital of the Labour Sickfund, Petals Tiqva, Israel.
5. Department of Medicine D., Beilinson Hospital of the Labour Sickfund, Petah Tiqva; Professor of Experimental Biology, Tel-Aciv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel.