Jumping Translocations of Chromosome 1q in Multiple Myeloma: Evidence for a Mechanism Involving Decondensation of Pericentromeric Heterochromatin


Sawyer Jeffrey R.1,Tricot Guido1,Mattox Sandy1,Jagannath Sundar1,Barlogie Bart1


1. From the Departments of Pathology and Medicine, Arkansas Cancer Reseach Center, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; and the Cytogenetics Laboratory, Arkansas Children's Hospital, Little Rock, AR.


Abstract Karyotypes in multiple myeloma (MM) are complex and exhibit numerous structural and numerical aberrations. The largest subset of structural chromosome anomalies in clinical specimens and cell lines involves aberrations of chromosome 1. Unbalanced translocations and duplications involving all or part of the whole long arm of chromosome 1 presumably occur as secondary aberrations and are associated with tumor progression and advanced disease. Unfortunately, cytogenetic evidence is scarce as to how these unstable whole-arm rearrangements may take place. We report nonrandom, unbalanced whole-arm translocations of 1q in the cytogenetic evolution of patients with aggressive MM. Whole-arm or “jumping translocations” of 1q were found in 36 of 158 successive patients with abnormal karyotypes. Recurring whole-arm translocations of 1q involved chromosomes 5,8,12,14,15,16,17,19,21, and 22. A newly delineated breakpoint present in three patients involved a whole-arm translocation of 1q to band 5q15. Three recurrent translocations of 1q10 to the short arms of different acrocentric chromosomes have also been identified, including three patients with der(15)t(1;15)(q10;p10) and two patients each with der(21)t(1;21)(q10;p13) and der(22)t(1;22) (q10;p10). Whole-arm translocations of 1q10 to telomeric regions of nonacrocentric chromosomes included der(12)t(1;12) (q10;q24.3) and der(19)t(1;19)(q10;q13.4) in three and two patients, respectively. Recurrent whole-arm translocations of 1q to centromeric regions included der(16)t(1;16)(q10;q10) and der(19)t(1;19)(q10;p10). The mechanisms involved in the 1q instability in MM may be associated with highly decondensed pericentromeric heterochromatin, which may permit recombination and formation of unstable translocations of chromosome 1q. The clonal evolution of cells with extra copies of 1q suggests that this aberration directly or indirectly provides a proliferative advantage.


American Society of Hematology


Cell Biology,Hematology,Immunology,Biochemistry








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