1. M. Cheatham, Z. Dragisic, J. Euzenat, D. Faria, A. Ferrara, G. Flouris, I. Fundulaki, R. Granada, V. Ivanova, E. Jiménez-Ruiz, P. Lambrix, S. Montanelli, C. Pesquita, T. Saveta, P. Shvaiko, A. Solimando, C. Trojahn dos Santos and O. Zamazal, Results of the ontology alignment evaluation initiative 2015, in: Proc. of the 10th International Workshop on Ontology Matching Collocated with the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), Bethlehem, PA, USA, October 12, 2015, P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat, E. Jiménez-Ruiz, M. Cheatham and O. Hassanzadeh, eds, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1545, CEUR-WS.org, 2015, pp. 60–115, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1545/oaei15_paper0.pdf.
2. String Similarity Metrics for Ontology Alignment
3. Structure-Based Filtering for Ontology Alignment
4. Reducing the search space in ontology alignment using clustering techniques and topic identification
5. Interactive User Feedback in Ontology Matching Using Signature Vectors