Prioritizing the noise control methods by using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in an Iranian tire factory


Hassanvand Davoud1,Shirvan Hossein Elahi2,Ghotbi-Ravandi Mohammad Reza1,Beytollahi Milad3


1. Health School, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran

2. Student Research Committee, Birjand University of Medical Science, South Khorasan, Iran

3. Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


BACKGROUND: Noise is a common harmful physical factor in the work environment. OBJECTIVE: This study sought to prioritize noise control methods using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in a tire factory. METHODS: The study, which adopted a cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical design, was conducted in the baking hall of an Iranian tire manufacturing factory in 2018. 4 criteria (namely implementation and maintenance cost, method applicability, method effectiveness and efficiency, and intervention in the process) and 8 alternatives (including reducing individuals’ noise exposure time, designing and installing sound isolation chamber for operators, using of earmuffs and earplug simultaneously, changing processes or operational procedures in machinery with excessive noise generation, forming noise control engineering teams, requiring people in charge to quickly fix the leaks and change baking press washers on time, using acoustic panels in the ceiling and walls, and designing and manufacturing silencer and nuzzle for the steam and compressed air outlet of baking press machinery) were selected. Then, to prioritize noise control methods based on objectives, criteria, and alternatives, an AHP questionnaire was developed and completed by domain experts and noise control specialists. Data analysis was performed using Expert Choice V. 11 and Excel. RESULTS: The results showed that the inconsistency rate in all cases was less than 10%, hence the consistency of responses was approved. Based on experts’ opinion about the selected criteria, “implementation and maintenance cost” had the highest weight (0.481), while “method effectiveness and efficiency” recorded the lowest one (0.046). With regard to the alternatives, “change in the process” registered the greatest weight (0.193), whereas “individuals’ noise exposure time” had the lowest weight (0.046). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the final weights, the most appropriate noise control methods in this industry are changing processes in machinery with excessive noise generation, forming noise control engineering team, and manufacturing silencer and nuzzle for the steam and compressed air outlet of baking press machinery. Furthermore, AHP is a suitable approach for prioritizing decisions related to noise control.


IOS Press


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Rehabilitation

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