UCQ-Rewritings for disjunctive knowledge and queries with negated atoms


Matos Alfonso Enrique1,Chortaras Alexandros1,Stamou Giorgos1


1. Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece. E-mails: gardero@image.ntua.gr, achort@cs.ntua.gr, gstam@cs.ntua.gr


In this paper, we study the problem of query rewriting for disjunctive existential rules. Query rewriting is a well-known approach for query answering on knowledge bases with incomplete data. We propose a rewriting technique that uses negative constraints and conjunctive queries to remove the disjunctive components of disjunctive existential rules. This process eventually generates new non-disjunctive rules, i.e., existential rules. The generated rules can then be used to produce new rewritings using existing rewriting approaches for existential rules. With the proposed technique we are able to provide complete UCQ-rewritings for union of conjunctive queries with universally quantified negation. We implemented the proposed algorithm in the Completo system and performed experiments that evaluate the viability of the proposed solution.


IOS Press


Computer Networks and Communications,Computer Science Applications,Information Systems

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