1. Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES), Paris, France
2. Ministerial Statistical Department for Internal Security (SSMSI), Paris, France
In 2022, the “Vécu et ressenti en matière de sécurité” (Experiences and feelings about safety) victimisation survey (107,000 respondents during phase 1, almost 80% of which responded online) designed by the Ministerial Statistical Department for Internal Security (SSMSI) took the place of the “Cadre de vie et sécurité” (Living environment and security) survey, which was conducted annually by INSEE between 2007 and 2021. This new mixed-mode survey, carried out on a large sample of the general population, is the result of a major overhaul that has been under way at the SSMSI since 2019 and which has involved INSEE and all of the national stakeholders with an interest in security. In order for this project to succeed, a thorough review was needed of the existing situation, together with the development and evaluation of an innovative and ambitious protocol in the context of the development of a fast-growing mixed-mode survey and the hosting and management of a consultation within a multidisciplinary committee. The objective of this article is to present, in five acts, the main lines of the project that led to the design of the new survey. This first edition thus marks the beginning of a long-term process that will require future methodological developments which will help to consolidate the knowledge and practices acquired through the switch to a mixed-mode approach for surveys conducted among the general population.
Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty,Economics and Econometrics,Management Information Systems