1. Faculty of Computer Science, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
2. Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Software evolution relies on storing component versions along with delta-changes in a repository of a version control tool such a centralized CVS in old days, or decentralized Git today. Code implementing various software features (e.g., requirements) often spreads over multiple software components, and across multiple versions of those components. Not having a clear picture of feature implementation and evolution may hinder software reuse which most often is concerned with feature reuse across system releases, and components are just means to that end. Much research on feature location shows how important and difficult is to find feature-related code buried in program components post mortem. We propose to avoid creating the problem in the first place, by explicating feature-related code in component versions at the time of their implementation. To do that, we complement traditional version control approach with generative mechanisms. We describe salient features of such an approach realized in ART (Adaptive Reuse Technology,, and explain its role in easing comprehending software evolution and feature reuse. Advanced commercial version control tools make a step towards easing the evolution problems addressed in this paper. Our approach is an alternative way of addressing the same problem on quite a different ground.