HighNESS conceptual design report: Volume I


Santoro V.12,Abou El Kheir O.3,Acharya D.3,Akhyani M.4,Andersen K.H.5,Barrow J.67,Bentley P.1,Bernasconi M.3,Bertelsen M.1,Beßler Y.8,Bianchi A.1,Brooijmans G.9,Broussard L.5,Brys T.1,Busi M.10,Campi D.3,Chambon A.11,Chen J.8,Czamler V.12,Deen P.1,DiJulio D.D.1,Dian E.1314,Draskovits L.14,Dunne K.15,El Barbari M.8,Ferreira M.J.1,Fierlinger P.16,Fröst V.T.17,Folsom B.T.13,Friman-Gayer U.1,Gaye A.1,Gorini G.3,Gustafsson A.17,Gutberlet T.8,Happe C.8,Han X.181920,Hartl M.1,Holl M.1,Jackson A.1,Kemp E.21,Kamyshkov Y.22,Kittelmann T.1,Klinkby E.B.11,Kolevatov R.23,Laporte S.I.3,Lauritzen B.11,Lejon W.15,Linander R.1,Lindroos M.1,Marko M.14,Márquez Damián J.I.1,McClanahan T.C.5,Meirose B.152,Mezei F.13,Michel K.1,Milstead D.15,Muhrer G.1,Nepomuceno A.24,Neshvizhevsky V.12,Nilsson T.25,Odén U.1,Plivelic T.26,Ramic K.1,Rataj B.12,Remec I.5,Rizzi N.11,Rogers J.22,Rosenthal E.8,Rosta L.14,Rücker U.8,Samothrakitis S.10,Schreyer A.27,Selknaes J.R.1,Shuai H.13,Silverstein S.15,Snow W.M.28,Strobl M.10,Strothmann M.8,Takibayev A.1,Wagner R.12,Willendrup P.111,Xu S.1,Yiu S.C.15,Yngwe L.17,Young A.R.29,Wolke M.30,Zakalek P.8,Zavorka L.5,Zanini L.1,Zimmer O.12


1. European Spallation Source ERIC, Lund, Sweden

2. Lund University, Lund, Sweden

3. University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy

4. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland

5. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA

6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA

7. Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

8. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany

9. Department of Physics, Columbia University, New York, USA

10. Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen, Switzerland

11. DTU Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark

12. Institut Laue-Langevin ILL, Grenoble, France

13. Mirrotron Ltd., Budapest, Hungary

14. Centre for Energy Research, Budapest, Hungary

15. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

16. Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany

17. Sweco AB, Malmö, Sweden

18. Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 100049, China

19. University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 100049, China

20. Spallation neutron source science center, Dongguan, 523803, Guangdong, China

21. State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil

22. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

23. ESS consultant, Oslo, Norway

24. Departamento de Ciências da Natureza, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil

25. Institutionen för Fysik, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Sweden

26. MAX IV Synchrotron, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

27. Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH, Geesthacht, Germany

28. Department of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA

29. Department of Physics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA

30. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden


The European Spallation Source, currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, is a multidisciplinary international laboratory. Once completed to full specifications, it will operate the world’s most powerful pulsed neutron source. Supported by a 3 million Euro Research and Innovation Action within the EU Horizon 2020 program, a design study (HighNESS) has been completed to develop a second neutron source located below the spallation target. Compared to the first source, designed for high cold and thermal brightness, the new source has been optimized to deliver higher intensity, and a shift to longer wavelengths in the spectral regions of cold (CN, 2–20 Å), very cold (VCN, 10–120 Å), and ultracold (UCN, >500 Å) neutrons. The second source comprises a large liquid deuterium moderator designed to produce CN and support secondary VCN and UCN sources. Various options have been explored in the proposed designs, aiming for world-leading performance in neutronics. These designs will enable the development of several new instrument concepts and facilitate the implementation of a high-sensitivity neutron-antineutron oscillation experiment (NNBAR). This document serves as the Conceptual Design Report for the HighNESS project, representing its final deliverable.


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