Assessing color stability of orthodontic esthetic wires in different staining solutions


Sawan Nozha1,Ben Gassem Afnan2


1. Department of Preventive Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2. Department of Preventive Dental Sciences, College of Dentistry, Taibah University, Almadinah Almunawarah, Saudi Arabia


BACKGROUND: Esthetic orthodontic wires are preferred for their ease to fit in with natural tooth color, but their susceptibility to staining in the oral environment poses a concern. Various Coatings such as Teflon and Epoxy aim to enhance appearance and biocompatibility but may still result in discoloration. Understanding the color stability of these wires under different staining conditions is crucial for a better and enhanced treatment plan. OBJECTIVE: This study intended to assess the color stability of esthetic orthodontic wires under various staining solutions that are often used in daily life. METHOD: Color changes of Teflon and Epoxy-coated esthetic orthodontic wires were meticulously measured at baseline, 7, 14, and 21-day intervals utilizing the precise CIE Lab* color measurement system. A total of thirty-two samples of wires from each brand were prepared (n= 8/group) and immersed in staining solutions (coffee, tea, cola, and saffron). The color change within and between the groups was statistically evaluated (p< 0.05). RESULTS: Significant variations in color stability were observed across different staining solutions. Saffron emerged as the most potent agent, inducing the most pronounced color changes, whereas cola demonstrated the least impact. Furthermore, Epoxy-coated wires consistently exhibited superior color stability compared to their Teflon-coated counterparts across all staining solutions and time intervals. CONCLUSION: This study underlines the significance for orthodontists to consider staining agents’ possible effects on orthodontic wires into account when selecting the orthodontic wires. The findings suggest that Epoxy-coated wires hold promise in mitigating discoloration issues during orthodontic therapy.


IOS Press







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