10Boron-film-based gas detectors at ESS


Stefanescu Irina1,Guérard Bruno2,Hall-Wilton Richard3,Jackson Andrew1,Khaplanov Anton4,Klein Martin5,Lai Chung-Chuan1,Piscitelli Francesco1,Raspino Davide6,Schmidt Christian J.57,Schweika Werner18,Svensson Per-Olof1


1. European Spallation Source ERIC, Partikelgatan 2, 224 84, Lund, Sweden

2. Institut Laue Langevin, 71 avenue des Martyrs, CS 20156, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France

3. Center for Sensors & Devices, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Via Sommarive, 18, I-38123 Povo, Italy

4. STS Project Office, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA

5. CDT CASCADE Detector Technologies GmbH, Hans-Bunte-Str. 8-10, 69123 Heidelberg, Germany

6. ISIS Neutron Source, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, UK

7. GSI Detector Laboratory, Planckstrasse 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany

8. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52425 Jülich, Germany


The development of detectors for the European Spallation Source is an important parallel element to the effort put into the design and construction of the neutron source and instruments. The 10Boron-film-based detector developments that started over a decade ago as basic detector concepts have now reached technical maturity after intense prototyping work and numerous testing campaigns. Several of the ESS beamlines that will soon enter the commissioning phase started welcoming the detector systems built with the 10B-film converter technology. The real-size demonstrators evolved in the last 2–3 years into a diverse suite of gas proportional counters for use in diffraction, reflectometry and small-angle scattering studies in spite of the operational complexity posed by the requirements for large-area coverage, low material budget and robustness for operation in the high-flux and high-radiation environment of ESS. The detectors are now being shipped to ESS or undergoing the last performance and calibration tests before being handed over to the instrument teams for installation in the host beamlines. A common feature of these detector systems is the very large number of readout channels that they are instrumented with in order to fulfill the demanding requirements for sensitivity, spatial resolution and count-rate capability. Across all of the detector types that will operate at ESS, the integration, testing and commissioning of the read-out technologies and software tools for data reduction, calibration and analysis are the focus of the detector and integration teams. These will yield a wealth of knowledge about their operation as well as initial results on the in-situ performance, a very important asset to ensure rapid commissioning of the detectors when neutrons from the ESS source become available. In this paper we will give an overview of the 10B-film-based detector technologies included in the ESS detector suite that are currently facing the transition from the production phase to installation and integration with the other beamline components, which comes with its own specific challenges of both organizational and technical nature.


IOS Press








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