1. Kent Anderson, Can blockchain withstand skepticism? An inquiry, The Scholarly Kitchen (2018), see: https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2018/04/05/can-blockchain-withstand-skepticism-an-inquiry/, reprinted with permission.
2. P. Ford, Bitcoin is ridiculous; blockchain is dangerous, Bloomberg Businessweek (2018), see: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-03-09/bitcoin-is-ridiculous-blockchain-is-dangerous-paul-ford, accessed September 23, 2018.
3. A. Meadows, Everything you always wanted to know about blockchain (but were afraid to ask), The Scholarly Kitchen (2018), see: https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2018/04/03/everything-always-wanted-know-blockchain-afraid-ask/, accessed September 23, 2018.
4. J. Glave, The dawn of the infomediary, Wired (1999), see: https://www.wired.com/1999/02/the-dawn-of-the-infomediary/, accessed September 24, 2018.
5. A. Narayanan, S. Barocas, V. Toubiana, H. Nissenbaum and D. Boneh, A critical look at decentralized personal data architectures, (2012), see: http://randomwalker.info/publications/critical-look-at-decentralization-v1.pdf, accessed September 23, 2018.