A permission-dependent type system for secure information flow analysis


Xu Zhiwu1,Chen Hongxu2,Tiu Alwen3,Liu Yang2,Sareen Kunal3


1. College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University, China. E-mail: xuzhiwu@szu.edu.cn

2. Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. E-mails: hongxu.chen@ntu.edu.sg, yangliu@ntu.edu.sg

3. The Australian National University, Australia. E-mails: alwen.tiu@anu.edu.au, kunal.sareen@anu.edu.au


We introduce a novel type system for enforcing secure information flow in an imperative language. Our work is motivated by the problem of statically checking potential information leakage in Android applications. To this end, we design a lightweight type system featuring Android permission model, where the permissions are statically assigned to applications and are used to enforce access control in the applications. We take inspiration from a type system by Banerjee and Naumann to allow security types to be dependent on the permissions of the applications. A novel feature of our type system is a typing rule for conditional branching induced by permission testing, which introduces a merging operator on security types, allowing more precise security policies to be enforced. The soundness of our type system is proved with respect to non-interference. A type inference algorithm is also presented for the underlying security type system, by reducing the inference problem to a constraint solving problem in the lattice of security types. In addition, a new way to represent our security types as reduced ordered binary decision diagrams is proposed.


IOS Press


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,Software

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