Chapter 10. Connectionist Neuroarchitectures in Cognition and Consciousness Theory Based on Integrative (Synchronization) Mechanisms


Maurer Harald12


1. Department of Mathematical Logic and Language Theory, Wilhelm-Schickard-Institute for Informatics, University of Tübingen, Germany

2. Carl-Friedrich-von-Weizsäcker Center for Foundational Research, University of Tübingen, Germany


The topic of this chapter are cognitive neuroarchitectures, which have been developed since the mid-eighties in connectionism as theoretical models to explain, based on empirical-experimental data, as neurophysiologically plausible as possible perceptual and linguistic performances of self-organizing neuronal networks in the human brain that are related to the binding problem. Thus, neurocognition can be viewed as organized by integrative (phase) synchronization mechanisms that orchestrate the flow of neurocognitive information in self-organizing networks with positive and/or negative feedback loops in subcortical and cortical areas of the brain. This dynamic perspective on cognition contributes significantly to bridging the gap between the discrete, abstract symbolic description of propositions in the mind and their continuous, numerical, and dynamic modeling in terms of cognitive neuroarchitectures in connectionism. This dynamic binding mechanism in connectionist cognitive neuroarchitectures thus has the advantage of enabling more accurate modeling of cognitive processes by conceptualizing these neuroarchitectures as nonlinear dynamical systems. This means that neurocognition is modeled using a neurodynamics in abstract n-dimensional phase spaces in the form of nonlinear vector fields or vector flows.


IOS Press







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