Reversible Regular Languages: Logical and Algebraic Characterisations


Gastin Paul1,Manuel Amaldev2,Govind R.3


1. Université Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, CNRS, LMF, France.

2. Indian Institute of Technology Goa, India.

3. Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai, India and LaBRI, University of Bordeaux, France.


We present first-order (FO) and monadic second-order (MSO) logics with predicates ‘between’ and ‘neighbour’ that characterise the class of regular languages that are closed under the reverse operation and its subclasses. The ternary between predicate bet(x, y, z) is true if the position y is strictly between the positions x and z. The binary neighbour predicate N(x, y) is true when the the positions x and y are adjacent. It is shown that the class of reversible regular languages is precisely the class definable in the logics MSO(bet) and MSO(N). Moreover the class is definable by their existential fragments EMSO(bet) and EMSO(N), yielding a normal form for MSO formulas. In the first-order case, the logic FO(bet) corresponds precisely to the class of reversible languages definable in FO(<). Every formula in FO(bet) is equivalent to one that uses at most 3 variables. However the logic FO(N) defines only a strict subset of reversible languages definable in FO(+1). A language-theoretic characterisation of the class of languages definable in FO(N), called locally-reversible threshold-testable (LRTT), is given. In the second part of the paper we show that the standard connections that exist between MSO and FO logics with order and successor predicates and varieties of finite semigroups extend to the new setting with the semigroups extended with an involution operation on its elements. The case is different for FO(N) where we show that one needs an additional equation that uses the involution operator to characterise the class. While the general problem of characterising FO(N) is open, an equational characterisation is shown for the case of neutral letter languages.


IOS Press


Computational Theory and Mathematics,Information Systems,Algebra and Number Theory,Theoretical Computer Science







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