Evaluating one-shot tournament predictions


Ekstrøm Claus Thorn1,Van Eetvelde Hans2,Ley Christophe2,Brefeld Ulf3


1. Section of Biostatistics, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

2. Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics, Universiteit Gent, Belgium

3. Machine Learning Group, Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany


We introduce the Tournament Rank Probability Score (TRPS) as a measure to evaluate and compare pre-tournament predictions, where predictions of the full tournament results are required to be available before the tournament begins. The TRPS handles partial ranking of teams, gives credit to predictions that are only slightly wrong, and can be modified with weights to stress the importance of particular features of the tournament prediction. Thus, the Tournament Rank Prediction Score is more flexible than the commonly preferred log loss score for such tasks. In addition, we show how predictions from historic tournaments can be optimally combined into ensemble predictions in order to maximize the TRPS for a new tournament.


IOS Press

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