1. This paper is a lightly-edited revision of a presentation given at the NFAIS Conference on Blockchain for Scholarly Publishing in Alexandria, VA on May 16, 2018.
2. Articles of interest to a specialist must occur not only in the periodicals specializing in his subject, but also, from time to time, in other periodicals, which grow in number as the relation of their fields to that of his subject lessens, and the number of articles on his subject in each periodical diminishes”. From Bradford, S. C. Documentation (Washington, DC: Public Affairs Press: 1950) 156. Cited in Garfield, Eugene. The Mystery of Transposed Journal Lists—Wherein Bradford’s Law of Scattering is Generalized According to Garfield’s Law of Concentration, Essays of an Information Scientist 1. // Current Comments 17 (1971) 222–223.
3. In opposition to scattering, a basic concentration of journals is the common core or nucleus of all fields. Garfield, E., The Mystery of Transposed Journal Lists - Wherein Bradford’s Law of Scattering is Generalized According to Garfield’s Law of Concentration, Essays of an Information Scientist 1. // Current Comments 17 (1971) 222–223.
4. The mystery of transposed journal lists - Wherein Bradford’s law of scattering is generalized according to Garfield’s law of concentration;Garfield;Essays of an Information Scientist 1. // Current Comments,1971
5. As a side note, this is the reason the shared ledger is called a “blockchain” - because the shared ledger is just a series (a “chain”) of “blocks” of transactions, one after the other, added by miners.