The impact of transition programs on well-being, experiences of work environment and turnover intentionamong early career hospital nurses


Eklund Annika1,Sterner Anders2,Nilsson Maria Skyvell3,Larsman Pernilla4


1. Department of Individual and Behavioral studies, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden

2. Department of Work Life and Social Welfare, Faculty of Caring Sciences, University of Borås, Borås, Sweden

3. Department of Health Sciences, University West, Trollhättan, Sweden

4. Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden


BACKGROUND: Transition programs for newly graduated nurses in hospital settings are reported to provide learning opportunities, strengthening confidence, workplace integration and skills, retention and job satisfaction. Still, our knowledge of long-term effects is scarce and few studies have used control groups. OBJECTIVE: To explore the long-term impact of having attended a transition program on the nurses’ experiences of the first years of practice. More specifically, ideology-infused psychological contract, ethical stress, perceived organizational support, job satisfaction, opportunities for learning, and intention to stay in the nursing profession, were explored as outcome variables. METHODS: A questionnaire survey was carried out among registered nurses from November 2019 to January 2020, with a 54% response rate. The analysis was based on 149 nurses who had attended a transition program, and 72 who had not attended. The nurses had seniority between one and three years. Independent samples t-test were used to investigate differences between the groups. RESULTS: The two groups showed small and non-significant differences in the outcome variables. However, regarding the frequency of ethical value conflicts induced by insufficient resources, as well as experiences of ethical value conflict distress, the group of nurses who had attended a transition program showed statistically significantly higher mean values, although the effect sizes were small. CONCLUSION: Newly graduated nurses need more than transition programs and skills training to progress in their nursing role and develop competence, increase job satisfaction, and reduce stress. Achieving these goals requires a long-term supportive learning environment that is integrated into everyday work.


IOS Press







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