Abnormalities of Resting State Cortical EEG Rhythms in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment Due to Alzheimer’s and Lewy Body Diseases


Babiloni Claudio12,Del Percio Claudio3,Lizio Roberta12,Noce Giuseppe3,Lopez Susanna1,Soricelli Andrea34,Ferri Raffaele5,Pascarelli Maria Teresa5,Catania Valentina5,Nobili Flavio6,Arnaldi Dario6,Famà Francesco6,Aarsland Dag7,Orzi Francesco8,Buttinelli Carla8,Giubilei Franco8,Onofrj Marco9,Stocchi Fabrizio2,Vacca Laura2,Stirpe Paola2,Fuhr Peter10,Gschwandtner Ute10,Ransmayr Gerhard11,Garn Heinrich12,Fraioli Lucia13,Pievani Michela14,Frisoni Giovanni B.1415,D’Antonio Fabrizia16,De Lena Carlo16,Güntekin Bahar17,Hanoğlu Lutfu18,Başar Erol19,Yener Görsev19,Emek-Savaş Derya Durusu20,Triggiani Antonio Ivano21,Franciotti Raffaella9,Taylor John Paul22,De Pandis Maria Francesca13,Bonanni Laura9


1. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology “Vittorio Erspamer”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy

2. Institute for Research and Medical Care, IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Rome, Italy

3. Department of Integrated Imaging, IRCCS SDN, Naples, Italy

4. Department of Motor Sciences and Healthiness, University of Naples Parthenope, Naples, Italy

5. Department of Neurology, IRCCS Oasi Institute for Research on Mental Retardation and Brain Aging, Troina, Enna, Italy

6. Department of Neuroscience (DiNOGMI), Clinical Neurology, University of Genoa and IRCCS AOU S Martino-IST, Genoa, Italy

7. Department of Old Age Psychiatry, King’s College University, London, UK

8. Department of Neuroscience, Mental Health and Sensory Organs, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy

9. Department of Neuroscience Imaging and Clinical Sciences and CESI, University G d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy

10. Universitätsspital Basel, Abteilung Neurophysiologie, Basel, Switzerland

11. Department of Neurology 2, Med Campus III, Kepler University Hospital, Medical Faculty of the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

12. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Vienna, Austria

13. Hospital San Raffaele of Cassino, Italy

14. Laboratory of Alzheimer’s Neuroimaging and Epidemiology, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy

15. Memory Clinic and LANVIE-Laboratory of Neuroimaging of Aging, University Hospitals and University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

16. Department of Neurology and Psychiatry, Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy

17. Department of Biophysics, Istanbul Medipol University, Istanbul, Turkey

18. Department of Neurology, University of Istanbul-Medipol, Istanbul, Turkey

19. IBG, Departments of Neurology and Neurosciences, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey

20. Department of Psychology and Department of Neurosciences, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey

21. Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy

22. Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK


IOS Press


Psychiatry and Mental health,Geriatrics and Gerontology,Clinical Psychology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience








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