1. Noordwes -Universiteit
Section 24 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (85 of 1993) stipulates that all injuries in workshops must be reported. Technology teachers also have a legal duty under common law to report such injuries. Meticulous record keeping of accidents is one of the strategies that can be employed to prevent accidents, thereby creating a safe working environment. This article reports on the findings of an investigation using mixed research methods at 220 technical schools in South Africa that offer Mechanical Technology as a subject. The aim of the study was to quantitatively and qualitatively determine the current state of safety management in workshops in terms of the (lack of) reporting of injuries and of record keeping. The investigation showed that there is still a considerable degree of ignorance among the participating teachers about (adherence to) the prescribed reporting procedures of injuries and their record keeping. In light of this finding, it is recommended that Mechanical Technology teachers should become more aware of their legal obligations and responsibilities regarding the safety of the learners in the workshops. Such in-depth knowledge could also enable them to transform their workshops into safe spaces for their learners.
Artikel 24 van die Wet op Beroepsgesondheid en -veiligheid (85 van 1993) bepaal dat alle beserings in werkwinkels gerapporteer moet word. Tegnologie-onderwysers het ook volgens die gemenereg ʼn regsplig om sulke beserings aan te meld. Sorgvuldige rekordhouding van ongelukke is een van die maniere wat gebruik kan word om ongelukke te voorkom en sodoende ʼn veilige werksomgewing te skep. Hierdie artikel doen verslag oor bevindings van ʼn ondersoek waartydens gebruik gemaak is van gemengde navorsingsmetodes by 220 tegniese skole in Suid-Afrika wat Meganiese Tegnologie as vak aanbied. Die doel van die studie was om die huidige stand van veiligheidsbestuur in werkswinkels in terme van die aanmelding van beserings en die rekordhouding daarvan kwantitatief en kwalitatief te bepaal. Die ondersoek het getoon dat daar nog ‘n aansienlike mate van onkunde by die deelnemende onderwysers bestaan oor die voorgeskrewe aanmeldingsprosedures van beserings en die rekordhouding daarvan. In die lig van hierdie bevinding word aanbeveel dat Meganiese Tegnologie-onderwysers groter kennis behoort te dra van hulle wetlike verpligtinge en verantwoordelikhede ten opsigte van die veiligheid van die leerders in die werkswinkels. Sodanige verdiepte kennis behoort hulle ook in staat te stel om hulle werkswinkels te omskep tot geborgenheidsruimtes vir hulle leerders.
Koers Bulletin for Christian Scholarship
Philosophy,Religious studies
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