Lorenzo Cuppia, an Italian circus agent, exhibited a mummy in the Calle San Rafael in Havana, Cuba in 1868. The mummy, unearthed in Mexico City, was displayed as a victim of the Spanish Inquisition. The exhibit was recorded in a small booklet and quickly forgotten. In 2015 research into this event revealed a story with several strands revolving around the first mummy ever publicly exhibited in Cuba to entertain an interested public.
In 2015, the Cuban Mummy Project was formed. Under the auspices of the CNPC (Consejo Nacional del Patrimonio Cubano, National Council for Cuban Heritage), and in cooperation with the IECIM (Instituto de Estudios Científicos en Momias, Institute for the Scientific Study of Mummies) in Madrid, Spain, with the aim to investigate all mummies that are in Cuba. Even though the Mexican mummy that Lorenzo Cuppia once exhibited may no longer be in Cuba, the story of where it came from and who that exhibitor was, led to research that unfolded the story of a circus agent who exhibited a mummy with a hair raising story to accompany it, that attracted and entertained the public for several years.
Wydawnictwo i Pracownia Archeologiczna PROFIL-ARCHEO
Reference18 articles.
1. ANONYMOUS 1861 Apuntes biográficos de los trece religiosos dominicos que en estado de momias. Se hallarón en el osario de su convento de Santo Domingo de esta capital. México: Imp. de Inclán, calle de San José el Real N. 7.
2. AUFDERHEIDE, ARTHUR 2003 The Scientific Study of Mummies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
3. BARTA, ILSEBILL, MARLENE OTT-WODNI AND ALENA SKRABANEK 2019 Repräsentation und (Ohn)Macht. Die Wohnkultur der habsburgischen Prinzen im 19. Jahrhundert - Kaiser Maximilian von Mexiko, Kronprinz Rudolf, Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand und ihre Schlösser. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau Verlag.
4. DOMÍNGUEZ, CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL 2004 Las aventuras una momia. Letras Libres, 1-8. Available: https://www.letraslibres.com/mexico/las-aventuras-una-momia. Date of use: 27 September 2018.
5. ESCOBAR ARANZA, FERNANDO 1868 Momia natural de la propiedad del Sr. D. Lorenzo Cuppia. 22 de Noviembre 1868. Havana.