Gökçe Hakan,Yeşilay Ramazan,Uçak Necati,Teke Ali,Çiçek Adem
In material removal processes, determination of optimal machining strategy is a key factor to increase productivity. This situation is gaining more importance when machining components with complex geometry. The current practice in the determination of machining strategy mostly depends on the experience of the machine operator. However, poorly designed machining processes lead to time-consuming and costly solutions. Therefore, the improvement of machining processes plays a vital role in terms of machining costs. In this study, the machining process of a boom-body connector (GGG40) of a backhoe loader was improved. Improvements of toolpaths and cutting conditions of 22 different material removal processes were checked through a CAM software. According to the simulation results, the process plan was rearranged. Besides, some enhancements in casting model were conducted to decrease in the number of machining operations. When compared to current practice, a reduction of 55% in machining time was achieved.
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