Digital systems consist of thousands of digital circuit blocks operating in the background, working in their simplest form such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. In exponential expressions like square roots and cube roots, just like these circuits, it is found in many digital systems and performs tasks. Although these processes seem to be used only in circuits carrying out mathematical operations, they actually take an active role in solving many engineering problems. In this study, a digital circuit design that computes both the integer and a floating point exponent of a 32-bit floating-point number has been realized. This digital circuit, which is coded with VHDL language, can be used from beginner to advanced level in FPGA based systems. This digital circuit, which is coded with VHDL language, can be used from beginner to advanced level in FPGA based systems. In addition, three floating IP cores - logarithm, multiplication and exponent - were used in this digital circuit, and results were obtained with a total of five finite state machines in sixty-six clock pulse time.
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Cited by
1 articles.
1. Bit-Width Conversion Based on Asynchronous FIFO;Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology;2023-03-16