1. Ipek, C., Kuzucuoglu, A.H., 2016."Importance of Kocaeli Earthquake Disaster RiskReduction(DRR)"International Symposium on Natural Hazards and Hazard ManagementDAAYS’16, March 2-4, Karabuk University, Karabük, Turkey.
2. Ipek, C., 2016. "Impact of Nonstructural Systems on Important Structures inEarthquake"International Symposium on Natural Hazards and Hazard Management DAAYS’16,March 2-4, Karabuk University, Karabuk, Turkey.
3. Uckan, E., Akbas, B., Kayac, S.E., Cakır, F., Ipek, C., Makaracı, M., Ataoglu, S., 2016."Design Issues of Buried Piplines at Permanent Ground Deformation Zones"InternationalSymposium on Natural Hazards and Hazard Management DAAYS’16, March 2-4, KarabükUniversity, Karabük, Turkey.
4. Makaracı, M.,Ipek, C., 2015."Analysis of Stresses of The Buried Pipline as Results ofEarthquake Effect" 5th. International Earthquake Symposium Kocaeli, Turkey.
5. Ipek, C., Constantinou, C.M.,Tapan, M., 2015. "An Experimental Study of Viscous DampingDevices on The Behavior of Seismically Isolated Structures"5th. International EarthquakeSymposium Kocaeli, Turkey.