1. 1) Hunter, G. W. III, Ritchie, L. S., Nagano, K. and Ishii, N.: Parasitological Studies on the Far East. II. An Epidemiologic Survey of Fukui Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. J. Parasit., 34 (Suppl.) 34-35 (Abstract) , 1348.
2. 2) Hunter, G. W. III, Ritchie, L. S., Nagano, K. and Ishii, N. MS.: Parasitological Studies in the Far East. II. A Preliminary Report of an Epidemiologic Survey of Fukui Prefecture, Honshu, Japan.
3. 3) Hunter, G. W. III, Ritchie, L. S., Nagano, K. and Ishii, N. MS.: Parasitological Studies in the Far Fast, II. An Epidemiologic Survey of Fukui Prefecture, Honshu, Japan.
4. 4) Ritchie, L. S., Hunter, G. W. III, Pan, C. and Szewczak, J. T. 1948: Parasitological Studies in the Far East. III. An Epidemiologic Survey of Aomori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan. J. Parasit. 34 (Suppl.) : 35 (Abstract) (Data for Trichostrongylus sp. inadvertently entered as hookworm in this report.) .
5. 5) Ritchie, L. S., Hunter, G. W. III, Pan, C. and Szewczak, J. T. MS.: Parasitological Studies in the Far East. III. An Epidemiologic Survey of Aomori Prefecture, Honshu, Japan.