1. 1) Fukumi, H., Nakaya, R., Sakaguchi, G., Ishimaru, R. and Yamamoto, J.: Outbreak of food poisoning due to Salmonella typhi-murium in a family in the City of Maebashi. Presented before the Scientific Meeting in The National Institute of Health of Japan, held on May 24, 1951.
2. Harada, K., Yamamoto, I., Tsujimura, K., Takeuchi, S., Hara, K., Matsuyama, T., Mogi, K., Toshie, I., Fukumi, H. and Nakaya, R.: On an outbreak of food poisoning caused by a goose egg infected with Salmonella typhi-murium. Presented before the Annual Meeting of Japanese Public Health Association held on November 6, 1952.
3. 2) Harada, K., Fukumi, H. and Nakaya, R.: Isolation of Salmonella potsdam. Presented before the Annual Meeting of Japanese Public Health Association, held on November 6, 1951.
4. 3) Hirato, K et al.: On salmonellosis of young chickens dead or moribund during or after hatching. Presented before 32nd Meeting of Japanese Veterinary Association, held on September 12, 1951
5. 4) Koya, G., Kosakai, N. and Nakaya, R.: Two cases of enteric fever caused by Salmonella narasino. J. M. J., in press.