
Косян Рубен1,Kosyan Ruben1,Krylenko Marina2,Krylenko Marina2


1. The Southern Branch of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS

2. Southern Branch of Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS


Results of the suspended sediment concentration study in the coastal zone on the basis of field and laboratory experiments are analyzed. Data from field experiments, performed in the coastal zone of the North, Mediterranean and Black seas, are used. The laboratory researches were fulfilled in the Big Wave Channel of the Hannover University. It is shown that to increase the accuracy of measurement it is necessary to take into account the convective mechanism of the sediment suspension, as well as the size, the direction of the rotation axis and other parameters of the turbulent vortices transporting sand sediments. The presented information will help to improve the quality of field data collection.


Academus Publishing

Reference19 articles.

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