Benefícios e riscos do uso de plantas medicinais durante a gravidez


Batista Jennifer OliveiraORCID,Aragão Deivid deORCID,Rosa Leandra Kornelius daORCID


Pregnancy is a unique moment in a woman's life, requiring special care to ensure her and the baby's health. Many women find relief from common pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea and insomnia, through the use of herbal preparations. However, not all are safe during pregnancy, and can cause complications and damage to the fetus. This study aimed to address which plants are beneficial for pregnant women, as well as those that may present risks. Studies mention ginger as a safe option to treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, while cranberry may have therapeutic properties in preventing urinary tract infections. However, the scientific evidence on the use of these plants during pregnancy is still limited. Some plants, such as Pimpinella, may have beneficial effects at certain stages of pregnancy, but risks at others, while guarana, “erva-santa”, boldo, aloe vera and senna are contraindicated due to the associated risks. The use of medicinal plants during pregnancy requires caution, and it is necessary to evaluate with a qualified professional the benefits and plant-specific risks before using them, to ensure safety and efficacy.


Fiocruz - Instituto de Tecnologia em Farmacos

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