The state and prospects of the use of Argania spinosa oil in nutrition and diet therapy


Yegorova Elena Yu.1ORCID,Ayoub Elguendaoui1


1. Polzunov Altai State Technical University


The article provides an overview of the world experience in obtaining and food use of the oil of Argania spinosa. The relationship between technological methods of oil extraction and purification and the composition of its biologically active components: polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, sterols, phenolic compounds is considered. The main directions of the usage of argan oil in dietary nutrition are analyzed and the results of international clinical studies based on the inclusion of argan oil in diet therapy for metabolic disorders and psycho-neurological disorders of various nature are summarized. The effectiveness of argan oil components in gene expression and remodulation of steroid and hormone metabolism has been noted. It has been shown that, with regular inclusion in the diet, the components of argan oil provide choleretic, cardio-, hepato- and chemoprotective effects, exhibit neuroprotective effects in relation to the causes of cognitive impairments and neuropsychiatric disorders. Along with the high nutritional value of argan oil, the geographical area of growth of Argania spinosa is very limited, the species does not lend itself well to introduction, which is the leading reason for the overestimated market value of the oil, its falsification and the limited circle of real consumers. In this regard, it is advisable to search for technological solutions that make it possible to include argan oil in the diet of a larger number of consumers and, at the same time, make the very idea of falsifying this product senseless. Such a solution, according to the authors of the article, can be achieved by scientifically grounded combination of argan oil with other edible vegetable oils that have a different composition of fatty acids and associated biologically active components. Promising directions for blending vegetable oils are proposed.


Moscow State University of Food Production


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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