1. Handke, J.M. and Peterman, R.J. (2014) Developing Short-Span Alternatives to Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert Structures in Kansas. Kansas State University Transportation Center, Manhattan.
2. Evaluation of seismic behavior of box culvert buried in the ground through centrifuge model tests and numerical analysis
3. Yang, J.C. and Kalabuchova, L. (2014) Application of FRP Materials in Culvert Road Bridges. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Division of Structural Engineering Steel and Timber Structures, Chalmers University of Technology Goteborg, Goteborg.
4. Hoevelkamp, K.K. (2002) Rammed Aggregate Pier Soil Reinforcement: Group Load Tests and Settlement Monitoring of Large Box Culvert. A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science, Iowa State University, Ames.
5. Seismic soil–culvert interaction