1. Albu, S., Albu, I., Ursu, V., Bostan, I., Bardan, V., Chiriac, N., Lesan, A., Jitari, L. and Bejenaru, M. (2020) Patrimoniul arhitectural: Aspecte legale, tehnice si economice. MS Logo, Chisinau, 355.
2. Albu, S., Albu, I. and Ivanov, V. (2020) Building Materials for Restoration of Monuments of Rchitectural Heritage in the Republic of Moldova. Modern Engineering and Innovative Technologies, 13, 6-16.
3. Use of Limestone Blocks in Constructions in the Republic of Moldova
4. Lightweight natural lime composites for rehabilitation of Historical Heritage
5. An Analytical Study of Building Materials and Deterioration Factors of Farasan Heritage Houses, and the Recommendations of Conservation and Rehabilitation (German House Case Study)