1. Noulamo, T., Tanyi, E., Nkenlifack, M., Lienou, J.-P. and Djimeli, A. (2018) Formalization Method of the UML Statechart by Transformation toward Petri Nets. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 45, 505-513.
2. Noulamo, T., Talla, B.F. and Lienou, J.-P. (2020) Automatic Generation of Web Users Interfaces Using a Model-Driven Approach. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 11, 1439-1448.
3. A Model-Driven Approach for Developing WEB Users Interfaces of Interactive Systems
4. Noulamo, T., Tanyi, E., Nkenlifack, M. and Lienou, J.P. (2016) Model-Driven Engineering Applied to the Control and Monitoring of Dynamic Systems. International Journal of Computer Science and Software Engineering, 5, 183-194.
5. Procedure for the Contextual, Textual and Ontological Construction of Specialized Knowledge Bases