1. The very first step to start psychophysical experiments
2. Designing and Interpreting Psychophysical Investigations of Cognition
3. Parker, J.E., Nelson, E.J. and Beason, C.W. (2017) Thermal and Behavioral Effects of Exposure to 30-kW, 95-GHz Millimeter Wave Energy. Technical Report, AFRL-RH-FS-TR-2017-0016.
4. Parker, J.E., Nelson, E.J., Beason, C.W. and Cook, M.C. (2017) Effects of Variable Spot Size on Human Exposure to 95-GHz Millimeter Wave Energy. Technical Report, AFRL-RH-FS-TR-2017-0017.
5. Active Denial Technology Computational Human Effects End-To-End Hypermodel (ADT CHEETEH)