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2. Wikipedia, “P versus NP Problem”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P_versus_NP_problem
3. Expressing combinatorial optimization problems by linear programs
4. Kyritsis, C. (2017) On the Solution of the 3rd Clay Millennium Problem. A Short and Elegant Proof That P ≠ NP in the Context of Deterministic Turing Machines and Zermelo-Frankel Set Theory. Proceedings of the 1st ICQSBEI 2017 Conference, Athens, Greece, 170-181.
5. Kyritsis, K. (2018) The Solution of the 3rd Clay Millennium Problem. A Short Proof That P ≠ NP = Exptime in the Context of Zermelo Frankel Set Theory. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 120, 497-510. http://www.ijpam.eu