1. Identification and Pathogenic Potential of Clinical Bacillus and Paenibacillus Isolates
2. Spacecraft bacterium, Paenibacillus pasadenensis, causing wound infection in humans
3. Breast implant infection due to Paenibacillus residui in a cancer patient
4. Ouyang, J., Pei, Z., Lutwick, L., Dalal, S., Yang, L., Cassai, N., Sandhu, K., Hanna, B., Wieczorek, R.L., Bluth, M. and Pincus, M.R. (2008) Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus: A New Cause of Human Infection, Inducing Bacteremia in a Patient on Hemodialysis. Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, 38, 393-400. http://www.annclinlabsci.org/content/38/4/393.full.pdf+html
5. First case of bone infection caused by Paenibacillus turicensis