1. Green, E.M., Stroud, L., O’Connell, R., Bloomfield, S., Cronje, J., Foxcroft, C., Hurter, K., Lane, H., Marais, R., Marx, C., McAlinden, P., Paradice, R. and Venter (2016) Griffiths Scales of Child Development 3rd Edition. Part II: Administration and Scoring. Hogrefe, Oxford.
2. Child development assessment: Practitioner input in the revision for Griffiths III
3. Green, E.M., Lane, H.M., Cronje, J. and Stroud, L.A. (2022) What Are the Options for Reporting Development below the Floor of a Standardized Test? Themes from the Past 15 Years Literature. Global Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 9, Article ID: 555766.
4. Griffiths III – A Case Study Book for Practitioners
5. World Health Organization (2007) International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health—Children and Youth. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva. http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/43737/1/9789241547321_eng.pdf