1. Mass Political Attitudes and the Survey Response
2. The Strength of Issues: Using Multiple Measures to Gauge Preference Stability, Ideological Constraint, and Issue Voting
3. Balz, D. (1999, October 7). Bush Shows a Shadow of Clintonism: Criticism of Hill GOP Mirrors President’s “Triangulation”. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/WPcap/1999-10/07/081r-100799-idx.html
4. Blake, A. (2012, April 25). Why the Blue Dogs’ Decline was Inevitable. Washington Post.https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/why-the-blue-dogs-decline-was-inevitable/2012/04/25/gIQAhOw8gT_blog.html
5. Building the Bloc