1. (2023) Navigating the Small Molecule CMC Pathway: Strategies for Avoiding Regulatory Hurdles and Early Drug Development Pitfalls.https://xtalks.com/webinars/navigating-the-small-molecule-cmc-pathway-strategies-for-avoiding-regulatory-hurdles-and-early-drug-development-pitfalls/
2. Sutherland, J.J., Woodhead, J.L. and Longo, J. (2021) Exploring Different Approaches to Improve the Success of Drug Discovery and Development Projects. Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 7, 25.
3. (2023) Phase-Appropriate CMC Activities Facilitate the Transition from Early Development through Commercialization. https://www.pharmasalmanac.com
4. CMC Strategies and Advanced Technologies for Vaccine Development to Boost Acceleration and Pandemic Preparedness
5. McKinsey & Company (2023) Preclinical Development of New Medicines. https://www.mckinsey.com