1. White, K. and Zellner, J. (2008) Onion. Hamilton College Seminar 235 Food for Thought: The Science, Culture and Politics of Food Spring, New York, United States, August 2008, 29.
2. Faostat (2020) Food and Agricultural Organization. https://www.fao.org/faostat/fr/#data/QV
3. DPSAA (2011) Rapport général du module maraîchage. Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Hydraulique, Ouagadougou.
4. DGESS (2019) Rapport de l’Enquête maraichère 2018. Ministère de l’agriculture et des aménagements hydro-agricoles, Ouagadougou.
5. Resistance to fusarium basal rot of onion in greenhouse and field and associated expression of antifungal compounds