1. Historical Records Fail to Support Agent Orange Exposure of Veterans Stationed in Thailand
2. Chisholm Chisholm Kilpatrick Blog (2022) The Truth about Agent Orange and Other Herbicides in Thailand during the Vietnam War. Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD.
3. Glasser, J.D. (1998) The Secret Vietnam War: The United States Air Force in Thailand, 1961-1975. McFarland & Company, Jefferson.
4. Conboy, K.J. and Morrison, J. (1995). Shadow War: The CIA’s Secret War in Laos. Paladin Press, Boulder.
5. Buckingham Jr., W.A. (2018) Operation Ranch Hand: The Air Force and Herbicides in South East Asia 1961-1971. Office of Air Force History, Washington, 132.