This study was conducted to explore the potential of associated traditional knowledge on marine resources for the sustainability of economic and general well-being among coastal communities in Terengganu. Using a qualitative study, twenty-six interviews were conducted. The study used convenience and snowball sampling to identify the other potential participants who had knowledge and experience about the topic. The study used thematic analysis to identify the required themes according to the objectives. Drawing upon sustainable livelihood theory for data interpretation, the findings indicate that traditional knowledge of marine resources plays an essential role in achieving economic well-being for the coastal community in Terengganu. This is viewed from the aspect of increased living standards and improved health quality. Although exploration of traditional knowledge on marine resources is limited among the modern generation, the implications of this study highlight that identification of certain marine resources as traditional medicine for health problem solutions, selling fresh marine resources, and production of processed food from marine resources could offer ways to improve the economy of coastal communities. The study was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic, which had limited the number of participants interviewed. Therefore, the sample size obtained is relatively small to find more significant results. Future studies can be expanded through quantitative approach methods among traditional medicine practitioners and other communities in different regions that use marine resources in their daily life.
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences