This study aimed to examine and describe the impact of school principals' managerial competence on the entrepreneurial leadership of elementary school principals in Serang City, Banten Province, Indonesia. The research was conducted in elementary schools located in Serang City, Banten Province, Indonesia, specifically in six sub-districts: Cipocok Jaya District, Curug District, Kasemen District, Taktakan District, Walantaka District, and Serang District. The study employed a quantitative method utilizing ex-post-facto survey research techniques. This research methodology was selected based on the identified issues and objectives, which aimed to analyze the influence of principals' managerial competence on the productivity of elementary schools in Serang City, Banten Province, Indonesia. Furthermore, the data collection process did not require any deliberate treatment, as the necessary data were readily available in the field and possessed by the respondents. Therefore, the collection of this data only necessitated the use of a questionnaire as the primary instrument. Upon completion of the research, it was observed that there exists a direct positive relationship between managerial competence and entrepreneurial leadership among school principals in the context of elementary schools in Serang City, Banten Province, Indonesia. This finding suggests that an increasingly competent managerial approach will have a favorable impact on the entrepreneurial leadership of school principals within the scope of elementary schools in Serang City, Banten Province, Indonesia.
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences