Increasing specialist intensity at weekends to improve outcomes for patients undergoing emergency hospital admission: the HiSLAC two-phase mixed-methods study


Bion Julian1ORCID,Aldridge Cassie1ORCID,Beet Chris2ORCID,Boyal Amunpreet3ORCID,Chen Yen-Fu4ORCID,Clancy Michael5ORCID,Girling Alan6ORCID,Hofer Timothy7ORCID,Lord Joanne8ORCID,Mannion Russell9ORCID,Rees Peter10ORCID,Roseveare Chris11ORCID,Rowan Louise1ORCID,Rudge Gavin6ORCID,Sun Jianxia12ORCID,Sutton Elizabeth13ORCID,Tarrant Carolyn13ORCID,Temple Mark14ORCID,Watson Sam6ORCID,Willars Janet13ORCID,Lilford Richard6ORCID


1. University Department of Anaesthesia & Critical Care, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

2. Intensive Care Medicine, Royal Derby Hospital NHS Trust, Derby, UK

3. Research & Development, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

4. Health Sciences, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

5. Emergency Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

6. Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

7. Institute for Health Policy and Innovation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

8. Southampton Health Technology Assessments Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

9. Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

10. Patient & Lay Committee, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, London, UK

11. General Internal Medicine, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK

12. Informatics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

13. Health Sciences, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK

14. Nephrology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Birmingham, UK


Background NHS England’s 7-day services policy comprised 10 standards to improve access to quality health care across all days of the week. Six standards targeted hospital specialists on the assumption that their absence caused the higher mortality associated with weekend hospital admission: the ‘weekend effect’. The High-intensity Specialist-Led Acute Care (HiSLAC) collaboration investigated this using the implementation of 7-day services as a ‘natural experiment’. Objectives The objectives were to determine whether or not increasing specialist intensity at weekends improves outcomes for patients undergoing emergency hospital admission, and to explore mechanisms and cost-effectiveness. Design This was a two-phase mixed-methods observational study. Year 1 focused on developing the methodology. Years 2–5 included longitudinal research using quantitative and qualitative methods, and health economics. Methods A Bayesian systematic literature review from 2000 to 2017 quantified the weekend effect. Specialist intensity measured over 5 years used self-reported annual point prevalence surveys of all specialists in English acute hospital trusts, expressed as the weekend-to-weekday ratio of specialist hours per 10 emergency admissions. Hospital Episode Statistics from 2007 to 2018 provided trends in weekend-to-weekday mortality ratios. Mechanisms for the weekend effect were explored qualitatively through focus groups and on-site observations by qualitative researchers, and a two-epoch case record review across 20 trusts. Case-mix differences were examined in a single trust. Health economics modelling estimated costs and outcomes associated with increased specialist provision. Results Of 141 acute trusts, 115 submitted data to the survey, and 20 contributed 4000 case records for review and participated in qualitative research (involving interviews, and observations using elements of an ethnographic approach). Emergency department attendances and admissions have increased every year, outstripping the increase in specialist numbers; numbers of beds and lengths of stay have decreased. The reduction in mortality has plateaued; the proportion of patients dying after discharge from hospital has increased. Specialist hours increased between 2012/13 and 2017/18. Weekend specialist intensity is half that of weekdays, but there is no relationship with admission mortality. Patients admitted on weekends are sicker (they have more comorbid disease and more of them require palliative care); adjustment for severity of acute illness annuls the weekend effect. In-hospital care processes are slightly more efficient at weekends; care quality (errors, adverse events, global quality) is as good at weekends as on weekdays and has improved with time. Qualitative researcher assessments of hospital weekend quality concurred with case record reviewers at trust level. General practitioner referrals at weekends are one-third of those during weekdays and have declined further with time. Limitations Observational research, variable survey response rates and subjective assessments of care quality were compensated for by using a difference-in-difference analysis over time. Conclusions Hospital care is improving. The weekend effect is associated with factors in the community that precede hospital admission. Post-discharge mortality is increasing. Policy-makers should focus their efforts on improving acute and emergency care on a ‘whole-system’ 7-day approach that integrates social, community and secondary health care. Future work Future work should evaluate the role of doctors in hospital and community emergency care and investigate pathways to emergency admission and quality of care following hospital discharge. Funding This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Services and Delivery Research programme and will be published in full in Health Services and Delivery Research; Vol. 9, No. 13. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information.


Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme


National Institute for Health Research


General Economics, Econometrics and Finance

Reference197 articles.

1. European Union. Directive 2003/88/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 November 2003 Concerning Certain Aspects of the Organisation of Working Time (OJ L 299, 18.11.2003, pp. 9–19). Brussels: European Union; 2003.

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3. House of Commons Health Committee. GP Out-of-Hours Services. Fifth Report of Session 2003–04. London: The Stationery Office; 2004.







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