Calculation of the Need in Merchant Fleet for the Transport and Logistics System


Kulapat D.1,Boykov A. V.1


1. Moscow State Academy of Water Transport – branch of Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


The article considers the transport and logistics system (TLS) with routes passing through sea and river basins, which is designed to enhance the possibilities of transportation. With the help of such multimodal routes, the country will receive a transport network with much greater throughput, which will ensure sustainable growth rates of the regional economy. The authors solve the problem of developing methodological approaches to justifying the need for the fleet, adapted to the conditions of transportation of road trains on ferries of ro-ro type following the emergence of new sea transport routes. A model calculation of the need for a fleet for a cargo line of TLS using sea and river vessels is provided.


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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