1. Russian University of Transport
2. Research and Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling and Telecommunications on Railway Transport
The increase in railway speeds and the transition to unmanned transport control result in the growth of the role of operational management technologies exempt from excessive control of corporate headquarters. The objective of the work is to study the subsidiaritybased control as a new technology of controlling moving objects, and to identify borders of its efficiency. A subsidiarity-based control’s feature is that its efficiency may be revealed under certain conditions only and not always. Therefore, the application of subsidiaritybased control requires an analysis of operating conditions of vehicles. Subsidiarity-based control is an alternative to hierarchical control which is more efficient under simpler conditions. The paper reveals the essence of subsidiarity in the social and engineering field, and results of the study on application and applicability of subsidiarity-based control for the railways, its core factors are analyzed. Comparison of signal block and subsidiarity-based control systems is made, followed by description of particularities of identification of the size of blocks within subsidiarity-based control system. Additional factors of subsidiarity-based control, comprising complementarity and astatism, are described. The relationship between subsidiarity-based management and control and implementation of digital railway concept is shown.
FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)
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