Evaluation of Electrophysical Properties of Soils in the Slope Zones of the Foundation During GPR Survey


Pupatenko V. V.1,Sukhobok Yu. A.1,Stoyanovich G. M.1


1. Far Eastern State Transport University


The article describes a new method for conducting a ground penetrating radar survey of slope zones of soil objects of transport infrastructure. In the lithological section of these objects, there are sub-horizontal and inclined soil boundaries, as well as slope zones. Traditional survey methods (drilling, pitting), as well as the standard GPR method, make it possible to reliably survey at these objects, as a rule, only the zones under the horizontal main ground of the subgrade and sub-horizontal sections of the ground outside its boundaries. Survey under inclined surfaces is often difficult or technically impossible; geophysical methods, just like traditional ones, provide initial information that is exceedingly difficult for further decoding. The sections are filled with re-reflections and noises, and the process of decoding them is associated with great methodological problems.This paper presents a new method for determining speed of propagation of radio waves in the slope zones of the foundation. The initial information is the data obtained during the survey using the common depth point (CDP) method, using a well-known survey technique and a standard set of hardware. The novelty of the article results is determined by the algorithm for processing the measurement results developed by the authors. The software implementation made on its basis makes it possible to obtain the hodograph equation considering the slope of the layers. Defining geometric characteristics of embankments associated with the presence of slopes of variable steepness have been considered. A technique for calculating propagation speed of radio waves for a two-layer medium with a boundary inclined to the scanning surface has been proposed. The validity of the developed method was verified using finite-difference time-domain modelling.The article provides examples of practical application of the developed method in the GPR survey of real track foundation objects (transport infrastructure objects). The method proposed in the article makes it possible to increase the informative area of the surveyed diameters. At the same time, the accuracy of the GPR method is preserved, the area of its application for obtaining reliable information is increased to 60 % of the cross-sectional area of the foundation.


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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