Comparative Assessment of the Prospects for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles


Limarev A. S.1ORCID,Vorotnikov M. Yu.1ORCID


1. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University


Today, road transport is one of the main environmental pollutants. It accounts for more than half of all emissions. In this regard, the issue of developing measures to reduce the impact of cars on the environment is gaining relevance. There are various approaches to solve this issue, but the most promising direction is the use of electric vehicles. It should be noted that we cannot talk about their absolute environmental friendliness, since there is still an indirect impact on the environment.The paper examines the prospects for the use and disadvantages of two types of electric vehicles powered, respectively, by battery or hydrogen fuel cells. Currently, production of battery electric vehicles is a more popular direction, which is largely due to development of technologies in the field of battery production. At the same time, one should not completely exclude other areas, such as hydrogenfuelled vehicles. Such vehicles are distinguished by good environmental friendliness, which is determined by the nature of the combustion product and the possibility of obtaining this type of resource. However, the use of hydrogen as a fuel for internal combustion engines is not relevant. Development of a car with an electrochemical generator is more promising. Today, a fairly large number of the world’s leading car manufacturing companies are advancing in this direction.The electric vehicles considered in the work have similar emissions of harmful substances, which, under equal conditions, approach zero. However, both types of vehicles leave a carbon footprint, the bulk of which comes from electricity generation and hydrogen production. The study carried out a comparative assessment of the quality characteristics, carbon footprint and operating costs of electric vehicles with various types of power plants under Russian operating conditions. Based on the comparison, the main advantages, and disadvantages of those types of electric vehicles have been identified. Actions are proposed to increase the environmental friendliness of electric vehicles and solve problems that complicate their operation.


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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