Assessment of the Technical Condition of Spur Dikes


Tlyavlin R. M.1


1. Scientific Research Centre «Sea Coasts», subdivision of the Central Research Institute of Transport Construction


Spur dikes are one of the types of structures for engineering protection of the roadbed, which, in combination with a wavedamping beach, are used to protect the railway track from wave action.The objective of this work is to improve safety of coast railway track operation in areas subject to wave action. The author used the methods of experimental research and survey for obtaining the criteria for assessing the technical condition of spur dikes.Based on the results of the survey of spur dikes, conclusions were drawn about low quality of construction, and the main types of defects were identified both in entire structures and in their elements. Experimental studies on hydrowave models were carried out to assess the beach­holding capacity of the spur dikes and their resistance to wave action in the wave basin. It was proposed to divide the spur dikes into separate elements according to the degree of their significance, and the criteria for the technical condition by types of defects for each element of the structure under consideration were obtained.The technical condition criteria obtained from the results of surveys and experimental studies make it possible to assess the technical condition of spur dikes, which will increase railway operation safety.


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)


General Medicine

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