1. Gavrilov, S. O., Glebov, I. N., Chukin, S. G. [et al.] Law at the point of bifurcation: discussion of a conceptual study of military problems of international law [Pravo v tochke bifurkatsii: obsuzhdenie kontseptualnogo issledovaniya voennykh problem mezhdunarodnogo prava] (Round table discussion based on materials from Chapter 6 «Military problems of international law» volume III of the monograph «Military Law»). Gosudarstvo i pravo, 2022, Iss. 12, pp. 59–67. DOI 10.31857/S1026945200233012.
2. Bazhina, M. A. Main trends in development of legal regulation of transportation in the context of digitalization. Yurist, 2021, Iss. 11, pp. 44–50. DOI: 10.18572/1812-3929-2021-11-44-50.
3. Koryakin, V. M. Wartime transport legislation: problem statement [Transportnoe zakonodatelstvo voennogo vremeni: postanovka problemy]. Public legal problems of transport law: Proceedings of the Fifth International Transport Legal Forum. Eds.: A. A. Chebotareva, V. E. Chebotareva, L. M. Maleshina. Moscow, Law Institute of RUT (MIIT) publ., 2023, 326 p., pp. 96–106. EDN: QOZQPP.
4. Savenkov, A. N. The global crisis of our time as a subject of legal philosophy [Globalniy krizis sovremennosti kak predmet filosofii prava]. Gosudarstvo i pravo, 2019, Iss. 4, pp. 5–19. EDN: ZHEIRF.
5. Viksnin, I. I., Malikov, S. V., Chuchaev, A. I. Safety of unmanned aerial vehicles: informational, functional and criminal legal aspects: monograph [Bezopasnost bespilotnykh vozdushnykh sudov: informatsionnie, funktsionalnie i ugolovno-pravovie aspekty: monografiya]. Ed. By A. I. Chuchaev. Moscow, LLC Law firm Contract, 2022, 240 p. ISBN 978-5-6047798-0-4.