The Structure of Organisation Management Methods within the Value Chain


Tyapukhin A. P.1


1. Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The hypothesis of the study is associated with the assumption that it is possible to determine the specific quantity and quality of methods for managing transport organisations in value chains and identify the relationship between them, which will allow the formation of an integrated management system for chains and various modes of transport.The methods of classification, synthesis, analysis, induction, and deduction were chosen as research methods while binary matrices formed based on classification features of objects and their dichotomies were used as a tool.The study has resulted in substantiation of the content of the resource approach to the justification of the methods of managing a transport organisation; development of a classification of administrative, economic, organisational, and socio-psychological methods of managing this organisation; revealing interrelations of methods, principles, and approaches to management of objects of social and economic systems.The implementation of the obtained results will reduce the likelihood of occurrence of contradictions in the value chains by harmonising the content of the systems managing its links; create prerequisites for reducing the lost profits of this type of chains as well as time and costs for making and implementing management decisions; and for responding in a timely manner to the unique requirements of end users of products and/or services. 


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)


General Medicine

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