Study of an Asynchronous Traction Motor with Inclined Slot Rotor


Zuev A. S.1ORCID,Glushchenko M. D.1


1. Russian University of Transport


Modernisation of railway rolling stock which is quite relevant from the perspective of growing performance of railways can be achieved among other ways through improvement of features of traction drive, namely of traction electric motors, that defined the objective of the study. The inclined shape of the rotor slots is characteristic of a proposed design of asynchronous traction electric motor with a squirrel-cage rotor winding for a passenger electric locomotive which features are subject to the analysis. The results of experimental and computer modelling confirmed the positive effect of using a rotor with inclined slots in the design of an asynchronous traction motor, which consists in reducing the current in the windings and reducing motor power losses. The obtained results of improving the technical features of an asynchronous traction motor due to the use of a rotor with inclined slots in its design allow expand recommendation for its use on locomotives.


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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